Content summary: The Nature of Matter; The Hydrogen Spike, Dumb-bell, Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Bars, and Star Groups; Compounds; Catalysis, Crystallization; Conclusion; Analysis of the Structure of the Elements; Table of Atomic Weights; Extracts from Stenographic Notes; Reports of Certain of the Investigations; Index.
Introduction to the Third Edition | 1 | |
I. | The Nature of Matter | 5 |
II. | The Hydrogen Group | 35 |
III. | The Spike Group | 48 |
IV. | The Dumb-bell Group | 63 |
V. | The Tetrahedron Group A | 87 |
VI. | The Tetrahedron Group B | 117 |
VII. | The Cube Group A | 145 |
VIII. | The Cube Group B | 177 |
IX. | The Octahedron Group A | 205 |
X. | The Octahedron Group B | 223 |
XI. | The Bars Group | 237 |
XII. | The Stars Group | 248 |
XIII. | Compounds | 265 |
XIV. | Catalysis, Crystallization | 339 |
Conclusion | 341 | |
Appendices | 341 |
With 230 Illustrations
Frontispiece. The Periodic Law after Crookes
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